Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Contest: Day 0

I'm not doing NaNoWriMo this year, but I did have a silly idea for something that's almost as intensive. This is a goofy little story that will, hopefully, become a goofy big story over the course of the month. We'll see...

It's a Lilly and Rose story, so if you've read any of their stuff before you probably know what this is going to involve, but if you haven't: Real big boobs. Lactation. Very light breeding/impregnation themes. Subsequent parts will have other kinks too, but those are gonna be big ones.

Got a question? Comment? Drop it here in the story, @ me on twitter, or ask it on my curiouscat.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Hypnotized - Part One: Dreams

I try not to post individual parts of stories before the whole thing is finished, as a way to force myself out of the habit of abandoning projects halfway through, but I've got a pretty solid chunk of the next parts of this done and everything that's not done yet is outlined, so I think I'm probably good there. Anyway, this is a story about mind-control (in more than one form), hypnosis, and boobs. When finished, it will be three parts: Dreams, Memories, and Awakening.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

On Character-Building

I'm using my blog to actually write a blog post instead of a story. Unprecedented!

So this whole thing was sparked by a question on my CuriousCat from a friend of mine: "What inspired you to write such deep and nuanced characters? I genuinely would want all of them to be my friends, they feel like real people with real problems but they're also fun. I'd love to hear more about your character creation process :)"

The answer turned out to be... really long, and I talk a bit about how I create and write characters, so I figured that might be a fun thing to put here. So if you're interested in that, here you go!