Thursday, November 5, 2020

Welcome to Blanchepierre - Part 9

Mélodie prepared herself to summon Quick. It was an old ritual, one that predated her birth, established through a covenant made with the Great Mother of the Hidden Forest many years ago. This ritual used, as its primary sacrament, her cell phone.

She dug it out of the pocket of her jeans, selected his name in her contacts list and wrote, Hey, I need your help with something.

And thus the ritual was complete. That was fine, right? Nobody had told her that she shouldn't contact anyone from her old life, and if there was anyone it was safe to talk to, it was Quick. That was the thing about the people looking for her: they could smell magic from miles away, but they were pretty clueless when it came to technology.

The response came in moments. Kinda busy at the moment. I can be there in a few hours.

Ah. Well, looked like she had some time to kill. She plopped down on the one chair in the house and stretched, then pulled the breast pumps out of the box that Yuriko had given her. Those flanges were going to have to come off first - they were fa̷̡̺͕̬̕À̸̪͔̝̌a̵̹͂̓ṙ̶̮̘̤̖̐ ̷̜̖͆̒͊͆t̸͔̃͊͠ ̵̭͛͒t̵̙̹͙͒̈͂ͅǫ̵̀̊̄̚ ̴͖̜͕͓͌ò̷͙̩̭̪̓̈o̸̘̙̬͌̂̉͜Ọ̷̮͉̺̈́